Your home’s roof encounters harsh conditions daily. Whether it’s the hot sun, pouring rain, pelting sleet or hail, harsh wind, or heavy snow, your roof is your home’s first defense against the elements. As time goes on, these conditions will decrease your roof’s integrity. Damaged roofs are not able to withstand the elements and protect your home and possessions effectively. 

If your roof is damaged, you might notice signs like leaking, missing shingles, water damage on your ceilings, leaky or clogged gutters, and more. When assessing damage to or issues with your roof, you may wonder whether replacing or repair is the best next step.

Check out a few thoughts our team put together around both roof replacement and roof repair.

Roof Repair 

Roof repair through patching is an ideal way to address a small section of damage on your roof. When a roof is patched, the shingles in a section are replaced. 

Pros of Roof Repair 

  • Roof patching is usually completed quickly. 
  • The repair costs are much more affordable than full replacement.
  • Roof patching does not usually disrupt your household’s routines.
  • A repair can extend the lifespan of your roof.

Cons of Roof Repair 

  • Roof patching can act as a band-aid for a larger problem, which will need to be addressed later.
  • When roof patching, it can be challenging to match the existing shingles exactly.
  • If the repairs are not completed by knowledgeable professionals, the patches can cause more issues later.

Roof Replacement 

Roof replacement is the process of stripping off all roof components to fully replace it. Once the roof is removed, professionals inspect the structure and fully replace all roofing components. 

Pros of Roof Replacement 

  • Roof replacement ensures that all issues are fully corrected.
  • Replacement gives homeowners a chance to upgrade the look of their roof and improve curb appeal.
  • A roof replacement is a long-term investment since it ensures that the home will be protected from the elements for years to come.

Cons of Roof Replacement 

  • Replacement is a significantly higher financial commitment than roof patching.
  • Roof replacement disrupts daily household activities for a time.
  • Replacement takes longer than patching repairs.  

When it comes to deciding if your roof needs patching or a complete replacement, roof inspections help homeowners make an informed decision. Our range of roofing services can guide you through your roof repair process, no matter what services your roof needs. 

If you need to determine the best course of action, our knowledgeable roofing experts will provide you with valuable information when they complete your roof inspection. Whether you decide to patch your roof with new shingles or you decide to invest in a full roof replacement, we are here to help. 

Find Out More

If you are noticing signs of roof damage in your home and want to prevent further damage, it’s time to reach out to roofing experts for help. Schedule a roof inspection with our team today!