Roofing Blog

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29 08, 2023

Insurance Estimate Terms To Know

2023-08-30T01:41:21+00:00August 29th, 2023|FAQ, Insurance, Roof University, Terminology|Comments Off on Insurance Estimate Terms To Know

Want the tl;dr? Here it is...What does RCV, ACV, and Depreciation mean on my insurance estimate? RCV - Replacement Cost Value is the total amount estimated to repair your property back to it's original state. ACV - Actual Cash Value is the total amount the insurance carrier estimates what your property is worth based on

23 03, 2023

7 Things To Know About “Chuck In A Truck” Roofers

2023-08-30T00:59:52+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Roofing Tips|Comments Off on 7 Things To Know About “Chuck In A Truck” Roofers

Who is "Chuck in a Truck"? You've seen them, they've probably knocked on your door after a storm. Out of state license plates, beat up pickup trucks, no branded uniform. That's "Chuck in a Truck". Here's 7 things to think about when getting a quote or "temporary repair" from one of these "roofers". They

6 12, 2022

Does My Roof Need Repair or Replacing?

2024-07-13T14:57:24+00:00December 6th, 2022|Roofing Tips|Comments Off on Does My Roof Need Repair or Replacing?

Your home’s roof encounters harsh conditions daily. Whether it’s the hot sun, pouring rain, pelting sleet or hail, harsh wind, or heavy snow, your roof is your home’s first defense against the elements. As time goes on, these conditions will decrease your roof’s integrity. Damaged roofs are not able to withstand the elements and protect

7 11, 2022

What are The Best Roof Cleaning Methods?

2024-07-13T14:56:10+00:00November 7th, 2022|News, Roofing Tips|Comments Off on What are The Best Roof Cleaning Methods?

Having a clean roof does more than simply boost the aesthetic quality of your home, roof maintenance promotes longevity and preserves the integrity of your home. A buildup of algae or mold often leads to roof discoloration, and if left long enough, they can eat away at your shingles. This compromises the quality and overall

3 10, 2022

How Bad Weather Can Impact Your Roof

2024-07-13T14:58:52+00:00October 3rd, 2022|News, Roofing Tips|Comments Off on How Bad Weather Can Impact Your Roof

When inclement weather strikes, your roof stands between you and the elements - and it often takes a beating from falling limbs, excessive wind shearing, water, or searing heat. To prepare your roof for inclement weather patterns, start with an inspection. Improperly installed roof elements and previous damage can jeopardize a roof’s ability to protect

2 09, 2022

Three Common Roof Designs and Their Advantages

2022-10-10T18:32:31+00:00September 2nd, 2022|Roofing Tips|Comments Off on Three Common Roof Designs and Their Advantages

Homeowners need to consider more than just aesthetics when choosing the right roof for their home.  There are a lot of factors that go into choosing the best roof design for your home. There is much to consider, including aesthetics, functionality, and even weather patterns in your area.   Let’s consider three popular roof styles

4 08, 2022

How Long Will It Take to Install my Roof?

2022-09-06T19:46:44+00:00August 4th, 2022|News, Roofing Tips|Comments Off on How Long Will It Take to Install my Roof?

One of the first questions clients ask is: “How long will my roof installation take?”    Many factors contribute to the amount of time it takes to complete a roof installation. Let’s discuss these factors and the corresponding completion time you can expect with your upcoming roof installation.   Factors That Impact Completion Time   The average roofing

6 07, 2022

Roofing Terms Every Homeowner Should Know

2022-09-06T19:45:54+00:00July 6th, 2022|News, Roofing Tips|Comments Off on Roofing Terms Every Homeowner Should Know

While it’s not necessary for homeowners to be experts on roofing terms, there are a few essential ones about which they should be aware. At some point, every homeowner will need to have roofing work done on their property, and when that happens, it’s best to have a baseline of knowledge regarding this industry jargon.

6 06, 2022

What Should I Expect From a Roofing Company?

2022-06-16T20:16:16+00:00June 6th, 2022|News, Roofing Costs, Roofing Tips|Comments Off on What Should I Expect From a Roofing Company?

There comes a point in every homeowner’s life when it’s necessary to have professional roofing work done, whether it’s basic repairs or a full roof replacement. If the time has come for your household, we’re here to assist! Let’s discuss our team’s process and our wide variety of service offerings.    Schedule an Inspection First

5 05, 2022

How To Increase the Energy Efficiency of Your Roof

2024-07-13T15:01:03+00:00May 5th, 2022|News, Roofing Tips|Comments Off on How To Increase the Energy Efficiency of Your Roof

Your roof plays an important role in protecting the inside of your home from the bright sunlight and extreme heat that Tennessee summers are known for. Here are a few things you can do to increase the energy efficiency of your roof and as a result, reduce your monthly energy bills. Apply a Solar Reflective